Four Butterflies’ Story

1 min readMay 4, 2022


Four butterflies saw a fire one day. They wanted to know what it was like. The first butterfly came a little closer to the fire and saw that it was illuminated. t came to its friends and said:

-This fire is an illuminating thing.

The second butterfly was not satisfied with this and wanted to learn more. İt came a little closer and felt warm. İt said:

-It’s also a warming thing!

The third butterfly was not satisfied with that, it came much closer. İt suddenly felt that the fire was burning its wings and came back with its burned wings. İt said:

And the fire is a burning thing!

The last butterfly wanted to learn even more. İt got a little closer and saw that it was enlightened. İt felt that it was getting a little closer and closer. The fire scorched its wings and after getting really close, the fire fully lit the butterfly “poff!” and it disappeared…

Maybe it was the only one who learned what the fire really was, but it couldn’t come back and say it because it is lost in the fire, only the one who is lost inside can know something!

